Job opening (moral theology) in Fribourg

In from the esteemed Fr Michael Sherwin, OP (in Fribourg): 


I want to give you and your web readers a heads up about a post here in Thomistic moral theology. My colleague, Luc-Thomas Somme is returning to France and thus we are looking for his replacement. Ideally we would like a Dominican, but any qualified Thomist moral theologian who can speak French and English would be seriously considered and very much encouraged to apply.

Fr Sherwin included a PDF with more details.

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Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).