Trinity in Aquinas

One of the first projects of Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, begun nearly a decade ago, was the translation and publication of Trinity in Aquinas by Fr. Gilles Emery, O.P. Fr. Emery is a Dominican priest of the Swiss province of Preachers and professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He is a member of the International Theological Commission and the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Fr. Emery is widely recognized as a leading expert in the thought of Aquinas and Medieval Trinitarian theology.

We are happy to announce that a paperback edition of Trinity in Aquinas is now available.


Table of contents:



  1. The Threeness and Oneness of God in the Twelfth- to Fourteenth-Century Scholasticism


  3. Trinity and Creation: The Trinitarian Principle of the Creation in the Commentaries of Albert the Great, Bonaventure, and Thomas Aquinas on the Sentences


  5. Treatise on the Trinity in the Summa Contra Gentiles


  7. Treatise on the Trinity in the Summa Theologiae


  9. Essentialism or Personalism in the Treatise on God in St. Thomas Aquinas?


  11. The Procession of the Holy Spirit a filio according to St. Thomas Aquinas


  13. Biblical Exegesis and the Speculative Doctrine of the Trinity in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on John



Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University is also the publisher Fr. Emery’s Trinity, Church, and the Human Person.