Papers on Aquinas at Kalamazoo 2007

Here is a list of papers on St Thomas that are scheduled at this year's Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, MI:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • The Theory of Transcendentals in Aquinas and His Islamic Predecessors (Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Catholic Univ. of America)
  • Reason, Ignorance, and Faith: Is It Better Not to Know Too Much before Believing? (Gregory J. Coulter, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston)
  • Aquinas on the Justification of Faith (Carl N. Still, St. Thomas More College, Univ. of Saskatchewan)
  • Thomas Aquinas and the Possibilities of a Post-Modern Phenomenology of Faith (Randall Smith, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston)
  • A Good Corpse: Why Dead Faith Is Not Evil (Steven Jensen, Wheeling Jesuit Univ.)
  • Aquinas on the Heretic's Assent to the Articles of Faith (Michael V. Dougherty, Ohio Dominican Univ.)
  • Infidelity and Good Actions (Thomas Osborne Jr., Center for Thomistic Studies)
  • Faith and Philosophy in Thomas Aquinas's Account of the Procession in God (Anthony James Carey, U.S. Air Force Academy)
  • The Five Uses of Philosophy in the Two Modes of Sacred Theology (Matthew Ryan McWhorter, Ave Maria Univ.)
  • Charity and Happiness: An Aporia in Aquinas? (Christopher J. Malloy, Univ. of Dallas)

Friday, May 11, 2007

  • The Fruits of Contemplation: Jesus, Sacra Doctrina, and the Vision of God in the Lectura super Ioannem of Thomas Aquinas (R. William Carroll, Independent Scholar)
  • Saint Thomas and Metaphysical Hierarchy (Lawrence Dewan, OP, Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology)
  • Finis Cui or Finis Quo: Saint Thomas and William of Moerbeke on De anima II.4 (Gerald Malsbary, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary)
  • Aquinas as Reader of Aristotle's Rhetoric (Kevin White, Catholic Univ. of America)
  • Aquinas and the Transcendent Power of the Passions (Michael R. Miller, Mount St. Mary's Univ.)
  • Resistance to the Demands of Love, Part II: Secular Analogues to Aquinas's Spiritual Sloth (Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Calvin College)
  • Time and History in Aquinas )Montague Brown, St. Anselm College
  • Saint Thomas and the Infinity of Grace (David Liberto, Notre Dame Seminary)
  • The Church as the Image of the Trinity: Does the Unity of God Distort the Theology of the Church (Matthew Levering, Ave Maria Univ.)
  • Aquinas on Grace, Free Will, and Original Sin: A Maimonidean Reading (John Y. B. Hood, Independent Scholar)
  • Is Logic a Contemplative Science? Aquinas's Point of View (Bruno Tremblay, St. Jerome's Univ.)
  • An Assessment of Martin Grabmann's Reading of Aquinas on the Divine Ground of Our Truth-Knowing (Matthew Cuddeback, Providence College)
  • Thomas Aquinas on Angels and the Subject of Metaphysics (Travis Cooper, College of St. Thomas More)

Saturday, May 12 2007

  • Legal Injustice in the Thomist Tradition and the Case of Civil Disobedience (Justin B. Dyer, Univ. of Texas–Austin)
  • The Relation of Language and Logic in Farabi and Aquinas (Mostafa Younesie, Tarbiat Modares Univ.)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I can't find any!

This is, admittedly, as narrow view of the work that might be of interest and indeed crucial use to Thomists. There is, for instance, a session on Peter Lombard, sporting a paper by none other than Philipp W. Roseman.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).