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Maximus on Divinization: Not the actualization of a natural passive potency

From Amiguum 20. “The grace of divinization is completely unconditioned, because it finds no faculty or capacity of any sort within nature that could receive it, for if it did, it would no longer be grace but the manifestation of a natural activity latent within the potentiality of nature. And thus, again, what takes place would no longer be marvelous if divizination occurred simply in accordance with the receptive capacity of nature. Indeed it would rightly be a work of nature, and not a gift of God, and a person so divinized would be God by nature and would have to be called so in the proper sense. For natural potential in each and every being is nothing other than the unalterable movement of nature toward complete actuality. how, then, divinization could make the divinized person go out of himself, I fail to see, if it was something that lay within the bounds of his nature.”

What a slave to Aristotle.