Hortulus: An On-Line Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies
Hortulus, is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, Web-based journal of medieval studies, founded and published annually by an international board of graduate students. It described itself thus:
Hortulus is a refereed journal devoted to the literatures and cultures of the medieval world. Electronically published once a year, its mission is to present a forum in which graduate students from around the globe may share their ideas.
In preparation of our second issue, we invite the submission of academic articles on the topic of Hybridity. The idea of hybridity is necessarily complex. Recent discussions have tended to address it in terms of identity and identity formation. However, it may be extended to consider many other areas. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Nationality and nationalism
- Culture, cultural motifs and cultural practices
- Religion and religious syncretism
- Language(s)
- The body
- Literary hybrid genres
- Identity
- Conversion
- Borrowed histories
- Gender play
- Translation
The journal also incorporates lighter fare such as interviews, opinion pieces, reviews and essays on diverse aspects of medievalia under the aegis of a section entitled Hortus Amoenus. We are particularly interested in reviews of historical novels and medieval-themed films, as well as reports on archaeological digs and museum exhibitions, but we are happy to receive any and all contributions relevant to medieval studies. Potential Hortus Amoenus authors should contact hortusamoenus@hortulus.net with a 250-word summary of their contribution before submitting a complete article.
For submission guidelines and more information, please read the Submission Guidelines and the Style Guide. Contributions should be sent electronically to: submit@hortulus.net. The deadline for submission is October 15, 2005.
All students currently pursuing graduate work in medieval studies or allied disciplines are eligible to submit papers and lighter contributions, as are alumni/ae of master?s and doctoral programs within one year of their graduation. Those who hold doctoral degrees are eligible only if not currently employed as professors.